
Josh Wendel

Josh Wendel Is a Web fanatic that can not learn enough every day about the subject. He enjoys spending time with his family and pets. He loves the puzzle that is web development.

November 14, 2013

Before you build your website…

I thought about this topic for a while.  I thought about the best tip I could give that would make your website better than any other on the Internet.  My answer is this: preparation.  The best thing that you can […]

Filed under: Business Development, Website tips

October 14, 2013

When Websites Attack

As you can imagine, being a web design company our employees are on the internet quite often.  We happen upon some pretty weird stuff while we’re out there.  I’m going to make an effort to share these with you on […]

Filed under: Google Plus, Personal, SEO, Social Media

August 8, 2013

So what if google maps is the most used smartphone app

If you keep up with technology at all, you will have noticed that this week a list of the top smartphone apps came out.  According to Global Web Index data, at the top of that list sits Google Maps.  I’ve read […]

Filed under: Business Development, Google Plus, SEO, Uncategorized

Contact Us

Address: 10100 E 65th Street
Raytown, MO, 64133

Tel: 816-542-0448
