We’re a full week into 2013 which means you’re back at work hitting it hard trying to make the magic of the new year happen. Hopefully, you’ve come up with a business plan and have mapped it all out. But […]
Filed under: Business Development, Google Plus, Uncategorized || Tagged under: Business Plan, Marketing, Marketing Plan
Author: IJWAS
This has been our first full year in business and I would like to take time to thank some people and Organisations. First of all I would like to thank every member of The Kansas City Breakfast Club. What a great […]
Filed under: Business Development
Author: Josh Wendel
Social networks have sucked in nearly 82% of the world’s online population! They are all missing out on life as they “socialize” in front of a screen on a computer, tablet, or phone – right?? Not all social networking is […]
Filed under: Business Development, Networking
Author: Josh Wendel